Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Decision has been Made!!

Sooooo... we have 33 weeks and we are still going... The Dr.'s have a made a decision and we will be welcoming our girls on Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 34 weeks...

The decision behind it is due to the spacing for the girls as they are growing and losing space in the oven, and the tangles are getting really bad, they are having more and more decels when I sit up, or when I get into bed we can see their heart rates drop every time... Also they are still head down, so that also makes it hard for me to sit up without putting pressure on them...

On Monday night me and my darling husband entertained ourselves by doing a belly cast of my belly, it is great to finally have some kind of keepsake, as I did not have a baby shower or get to take my preggo pics but I will have a belly cast. It was really fun to do and it came out really nice...

Yesterday they did a doppler ultrasound for the cords to make sure that everything is still flowing well to them, and all seem to be flowing great... We are very happy and excited to have a date finally and we will get to see our little girls... Also my mommie got in yesterday from Aruba, and I was soooo happy to see her and have her be here with me during the next couple of days...

Today we will be getting all of my personal items ready to change rooms, as after the c-section I will be moved to another floor, and the plan is to have all of that set before hand to make it all easier...

As for tomorrow our schedule will start around 12:00 AM when they will come in to put the IV in, for all the medicine needed for the surgery, at around 4:00 AM I have to wake up and take a shower to then let the nurses do bloodwork and then head downstairs to labor and delivery to get the spinal tap and to then get the BABIES out!! YaY!!!

Will keep you posted on how it all went after the surgery and all the details on the girls...

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!! YaY!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

32 weeks and counting....

We have officially reached 32 weeks and 4 days that our girls have been baking in the oven, and we have also reach our 31 days on bed-rest... We are reaching great milestones and we are staying extremely positive throughout our entire journey...

The doctors have a made a few changes to my patient care since my last post and we are very aware of their state and keeping the positive thinking flowing...

I had an ultrasound done this past Friday and I was so happy I got to see the girls, and learn of how their growth is progressing through the weeks... So Baby A is now 3 lbs 3 oz and Baby B is now 2 lbs and 12 oz they are making progress as the weeks go by they are only 7 oz apart which is nothing to be worried about so are the nurses and doctors saying...

After a few days and the babies doing very well on the monitor, with their occasional variables that seem to be common, the doctors did feel the need to check the cords, so on Sunday we did another ultrasound however only to check on the cords, the tangles and how everything is flowing through the cords..

I wasn't giving a clear explanation until the night doctor came in and explained that they will be doing these every 3 days, as they feel that the babies are a bit on the smaller side and would like to make sure that everything is flowing well through the cords, we are always happy to hear a detailed explanation from our Dr.'s and RN's as it makes the process for us more easier knowing all that is going on with or MoMo Princesses...

Also mommy and daddy have started to spoil the little princesses we got them their first little outfits for them to wear when they leave the hospital... we are very excited and can't wait to meet our little darlings...

Tomorrow is another day... Ciaooooo

Updates... Updates...

Soo after my last post, a lot has happened and it has been a bit of a roller coaster with all the occurrences that have led up to a lot of new things in my in-patient care...

Friday, we had a bit of an incident happen, me and my hubby were enjoying lunch when Baby B had a drop in her heartbeat (as I was sitting up to eat) and then she moved away from the monitor (she tends to do a lot) my RN for that day came in with a group of nurses (keep in mind I was mid bite of my food) and started to lower the bed, take out the oxygen mask, move my food out of the way and were acting as something was going really bad, my husband moved out of their way and let them do what they needed to do, all I kept doing was look at my husband with a face of what is happening... She started moving the monitor around searching for Baby B after like 1 min, she called the doctor in with the sonogram machine to search for the baby, the Dr. came in and in like 30 sec he found the baby, around the same area she has always been posted, and the gave me a face like, this was a waste of time and smiled, after they got Baby B back on the monitor my RN dropped the most insane comment: "I don't have the patience to search for babies heartbeat," my response was "I noticed" she apologized for what happened and left the room. I was just SO MAD and ANNOYED with the whole situation that just took place, it was all because she got paranoid and had no patience!! Later on the day one of my favorite RN's came in and we told her what happened, she looked at my strip for the day, and said "They did all of that for a regular decel," and she apologized for them putting me through all that stress over nothing that was extremely urgent.

This incident was a snowball effect for a bunch of weird events....

Saturday, got woken up at 6:30 AM to be put on oxygen, and to get like buzz shocked on the belly, because the girls were not moving enough for them, then went back to sleep got re-awaken at 8:00 AM to an ultrasound machine being rolled in my room, and being moved around on the bed from side to side  to accommodate this machine for my first BPP (bio-physical profile) ever... The girls were suppose to get and 8 out of 8 meaning, good heart rate, muscle tone, movement, amniotic fluid and breathing exercises. They did great on all aspects except for the breathing only Baby B did a bit and the other one was chilling, after being poked a bunch of times to get them to wake up quiet an experience.

Sunday, another day another early morning wake up at 8:00 AM for another BPP this one was way better then the one they did the day before, according to the ultrasound tech, this was suppose to be done on a daily basis until the doctors felt that there was no need for it anymore, and on this morning the girls were way more cooperative and did they perfect and scored 8 out of 8 all across the board, so no more BPP's after that day. The rest of the day was to relax as much as possible and try and make sense of all that happened...

Monday - Thursday, were all great days for the girls... They were doing great on the monitor and didn't  have to do any additional testing just back to the normal patient care of being on the monitors and keep things going as we were doing before "the incident" as mentioned above....

Well that's pretty much it for now... will have more to tell soon...

Tomorrow is another day... Ciaoooo....

Friday, June 8, 2012

31 weeks and counting...

We have now reach 31 weeks, and we are very happy to in the hopes of reaching our goals...

I haven't been posting much lately since my days are very repetitive... However this week we got some great news, this is... The doctors have made the decision that they are very optimistic about having the babies at 34 weeks, and since we are all doing such great progress this is great news to hear, as when we first got admitted they were thinking more along the lines of 32 weeks... Which I was SO NOT happy with...  But now we are more calm and happier knowing that they know the babies are doing well enough to go longer...

Both me and my husband are hoping to do the c-section on July 4th, that would be such a great celebration for our MoMo Girls having a grand celebration every year on their birthday!! And also we'll be pushing more towards our goal 35 weeks as by then I will be 34 weeks and 6 days... HiHiHi... trying to sneak in some more baking time... LOL.. ;-)

And to make this better for our girls I have to get another round of the BETA steroid shots for the girls lungs... MAN I HATE THEM SHOTS!!! I got my first shot yesterday, and it was painful!! I just hate needles anything that has to do with medical needles I despise... I'm getting the second shot today, and I will not doubt that it will be just as painful as the first one... I know I'm being a big baby about these shots, and it is best for the girls, but  I just can't stand it.. hahaha... Staying in the positive that is all I'm trying to do is just staying in the positive...

I am still on continuous monitoring, and the girls are doing great on the monitors, they go in and out as they are very much some wiggle monsters, especially Baby B.. this habit has now reached Baby A which was more laid back and now is wiggling more and more everyday... They like playing hide and go seek with the nurses, which we think is hilarious... The pics show me connected to to the monitors with the girls heartbeats...

I appreciate all of my visits I got throughout this week!! THANK YOU!!

Things I know:
- Speak up about your nurses it helps more than you think!!
- When inpatient, having a rooms with a view is AWESOME!! It helps so much!!
- Cleaning ladies here make swans!! And have been real nice...
- I got tired of the food after 3 weeks... LoL
- Movies helps the time go by a lot, BTW knitting is not bad either, I'm doing a scarf for winter :-)

Will keep you posted... Tomorrow is another day... Ciaooooooo!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

30 weeks and counting...

So I am 30 weeks today, and counting to reach our goal of 35 weeks...

We had our ultrasound today, and the girls were behaving pretty well, they have been very good girls the past few days, they are cooperating allot to being on the monitors all day even though they still move around like CRAZY... hahaha... they love to kick and move when the nurses come in to do readjustments or just need to get them back on the monitor after a shower...

So here is what we got from the ultrasound.. Baby A which is located on the bottom, is 2 lbs and 12 oz and Baby B which is located on the top is 2 lbs and 6 oz, that means they are still growing getting all the nutrition that they need from Mommy...

Baby B is the wiggle monster, she is always moving around and being extremely active and as for Baby A, she is way more laid back and chilling on the bottom still wiggling around but not as much as her sister....

Today has been a great day, and we are very happy and excited to hear the momo's are doing well... We're going to keep counting and hope to reach our goal of 35 weeks...

Will keep you posted... Tomorrow is another day... Ciaoooo